Nursery and kindergarden

St. Norbert’s Kindergarten is a private children’s institution with a nursery and a kindergarten in the same building, not far from St. Norbert’s School. This building accommodates approximately 22 children in the nursery and 75 in the kindergarten.

In St. Norbert’s Kindergarten, we focus on the whole child and all the child’s potential and skills. We cater to the diverse development of children and allow the child to be a co-initiator of their own learning.

The objective that is carried across all the themes is: ”The learning environment supports and takes care of the children’s education, learning, well-being and development in a community where all children are important.”

Children shift from the nursery crèche to the kindergarten, or from kindergarten to school, as a gradual transition, where the children are settled quietly and gently. Children can react sensitively if they experience drastic changes to their everyday life, together with the loss of a primary adult. In St. Norbert’s Kindergarten we ensure a safe transition in children’s lives by allowing pre-kindergarten children to spend a few hours in the kindergarten before they become kindergarten children, and from kindergarten to school they go to preschool.

The Kindergarten welcomes all those families interested in  a guided tour. Simply contact the kindergarten for an appointment by using the form on the right.